Well I found out today that the wetlands next to us hasn't got a name, but a number. I also found out that the difference between wetlands and marshes is that marshes are not surrounded by bushes and trees. At least I think that is what the city wetlands guy said. So I'll get to make up my own name for the wetlands. Maybe something like Redwing Blackbird Wetlands.
Yesterday when I went for an evening walk with Rusty you could hear the sound of guns firing at a nearby range. Normally Rusty wants to go home when he hears that sound, but he didn't seem to care tonight. We passed by a little pond and saw a strange sight. The banks surrounding the pond were filled with Canadian Geese. They had all left the water and were standing alertly. The only thing I could imagine was that they were frightened by the gun shot sounds and felt safer on the land as opposed to being in the water. Just my theory, of course!
What a gift we have been given-the always fascinating wildlife and greenery of nature.
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